Friday, August 14, 2009

Wisdom Of The Heart

What does the heart really desire?
Is it love? Attention? Knowledge?

Wisdom of the heart comes with experiences of the heart. A person first must recognize love when it shows it's beautiful face. If a person is not taught love, then they will not recognize it. In most cases, a person will learn to love through personal experiences. Through the touch of the parents, right strait to the first crush, then on to relationships. Obviously, from the first crush, the adolescent learns and flourishes in deep emotions that are not well understood at first... It is the experience of curiosity, growth, and yes, even loss that expands the heart into love.
First, a person must go through different emotions, feelings, and thoughts to begin the process of learning to love another as an adult. Very seldom, does the first crush turn into a loving relationship. It is most likely a "first experience". It's a message from the heart telling the person "It is time."
What do I mean by this? Well, it is time to move forward onto bigger and better things. Some relationships may start out somewhat "statically charged"... Revving with energy, spinning thoughts, butterflies in the belly... This is healthy. This is learning. When it turns around and ends abruptly with a crash, this is actually healthy, too. It's all a part of ther process, believe it or not. It teaches us that not everything is forever, yet it also gets us a little closer to the next step. It prepares us for our life to come.
The heart is not stupid, but it is not the brain. The brain is what tells us to love. Not our hearts. When people say, "Listen to your heart." They are actually saying, "Follow your instincts." Your heart does not think, it beats. It pumps life into our veins, allowing our brains to learn love. One does not "fall" into love. One chooses to love, and learns along the way. If the relationship lasts, it's because we "connect" with the other person. If the relationship is rocky, and miserable, you can still make it work, but it will take a lot of work. Love comes naturally, but sometimes two people can act like repelling magnets, never getting close enough to connect.
Unconditional love is there when a mother gives birth to her children. No matter what ever happens, she will always love that child. Loving your parents and siblings is similar, but not the same. It is still unconditional, but not as intense as loving your own child. A person can say they love their husband/wife unconditionally, but it is never guarenteed. If they succeed in unconditionally loving their spouse, then that is a great accomplishment. IF it is done together, working both ways. This means not cheating on each other, (EVER), and growing old with that ONE person, forever, until death do you part.

Util the next post, this will give you somethin g to ponder...

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