Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wisdom of The Mind: "Interests" Version

My Interests And How They "Drive" Me

I have many interests, or passions. But the ones that "drive" me to move further are the ones I concentrate on the most. Say, for instance, my love of learning... I am always looking for answers to questions that seem to have no answers! Questions that make me say, "hmmmm". And even though we all have an intuitive side, the questions I ask seem to just make me dig deeper and deeper, usually resulting in an exhausted day of no success. But the way I see it, is at least I tried... I feel I am that much closer to the answer just because I exhausted myself. I'll just get up the next day, and continue where I left off.

I want a telescope in the worst way. The one I want is a bit costly, ($1500) but I believe it would be well worth the money. I also want to be a writer, an artist, and rich! And I know that only I can make that happen. I know what I must do to be successful in these departments, I just seem to lack the "gump" to get up and go do it. I always think to myself that there is always someone more deserving than myself. So therefore, my feet seem to sink into the cement that I place myself in, and I don't move. I stay right there, and put everything off in order to keep everyone else happy. Why do I do this? Who knows? But I am feeling my feet are breaking free of that cement... My brain is telling me that I've got to get a move-on if I am going to succeed in anything I want to do...

My kids have kept me home for over six years now. I refused to let someone else raise my children. I wanted to do it myself, so I have been "successfully unemployed" for all this time, and I am out of experience... I have searched online and offline for a possible miracle of having a choice of working, doing what I want to, but I have been unsuccessful there, too. Maybe I am being too picky...? From here on, I have to implant a touch of attitude into my brain, and give myself a kick in the rear-end to get myself going... I am currently looking for any opportunity to arise that would interest me. Maybe I'll take some classes...? An online course...? Or I could be lucky enough to come across an "on-the-job" training program, so I can make money and learn at the same time... My big problem is I want to be my own boss... But I don't have the financial security to get that right off the bat... I know I've got to start somewhere, but where? I have been an at-home-mom for so long...

School starts again soon for the kids. My baby is going to Pre-K, and I will be home, doing nothing, going nuts... So, I am planning on doing something that will keep me occupied... In other words, I've got to find a job, but find one I will enjoy. I love astronomy. I love writing. I love drawing. What can I do to combine these three things, and make money doing it? I could get that awesome telescope, take pics of our awe-inspireing universe, and write about it, illustrating a bit, and that would take care of my problem...

I completed 13 lessons (through the mail) from The Art Institute, but that did me no good, because I never completed that whole course. (AND it was $120 a month...) I thought about writing for children (through the mail). I passed the test, and still, to this day, (7 years later) I am still receiving mail from them, but never did it... I have a brochure coming in the mail from which is writing courses through the mail. Maybe I will actually fill that one out... Maybe not. My whole point here, is I am searching for, passionate about, and plan to be successful in these three interests of mine, sooner or later. Everyone should follow their dreams. If you want to do something with your life, then DO IT! Don't waste time, as I have been doing. All it did was put my life on hold. Eventually, I will be successful in all I want to do. As long as I keep thinking this way, I will be a little closer everyday...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wisdom Of The Heart

What does the heart really desire?
Is it love? Attention? Knowledge?

Wisdom of the heart comes with experiences of the heart. A person first must recognize love when it shows it's beautiful face. If a person is not taught love, then they will not recognize it. In most cases, a person will learn to love through personal experiences. Through the touch of the parents, right strait to the first crush, then on to relationships. Obviously, from the first crush, the adolescent learns and flourishes in deep emotions that are not well understood at first... It is the experience of curiosity, growth, and yes, even loss that expands the heart into love.
First, a person must go through different emotions, feelings, and thoughts to begin the process of learning to love another as an adult. Very seldom, does the first crush turn into a loving relationship. It is most likely a "first experience". It's a message from the heart telling the person "It is time."
What do I mean by this? Well, it is time to move forward onto bigger and better things. Some relationships may start out somewhat "statically charged"... Revving with energy, spinning thoughts, butterflies in the belly... This is healthy. This is learning. When it turns around and ends abruptly with a crash, this is actually healthy, too. It's all a part of ther process, believe it or not. It teaches us that not everything is forever, yet it also gets us a little closer to the next step. It prepares us for our life to come.
The heart is not stupid, but it is not the brain. The brain is what tells us to love. Not our hearts. When people say, "Listen to your heart." They are actually saying, "Follow your instincts." Your heart does not think, it beats. It pumps life into our veins, allowing our brains to learn love. One does not "fall" into love. One chooses to love, and learns along the way. If the relationship lasts, it's because we "connect" with the other person. If the relationship is rocky, and miserable, you can still make it work, but it will take a lot of work. Love comes naturally, but sometimes two people can act like repelling magnets, never getting close enough to connect.
Unconditional love is there when a mother gives birth to her children. No matter what ever happens, she will always love that child. Loving your parents and siblings is similar, but not the same. It is still unconditional, but not as intense as loving your own child. A person can say they love their husband/wife unconditionally, but it is never guarenteed. If they succeed in unconditionally loving their spouse, then that is a great accomplishment. IF it is done together, working both ways. This means not cheating on each other, (EVER), and growing old with that ONE person, forever, until death do you part.

Util the next post, this will give you somethin g to ponder...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Learning Wisdom: From Childhood to Adulthood

What makes a person "wise"? In my own personal belief, wisdom comes from knowledge, and experience. If you are looking for advice, what do you do? You look for someone who has been there, and done that, correct? You summon the answers by where you look, and who you ask... Well, sometimes, there are questions that seem to have no answers! So what do you do then? (You INVESTIGATE...!) What about those answers that just "come to you" out of nowhere? Do you trust your instict? Or do you blow it off? It depends on the question, right? It all depends on common sense, and what we are taught as children.

If a child is raised with un-opinionated parents, then the child is going to grow up un-opinionated! If the child lives with a parent who can't stop learning, then more than likely, the child will continue to learn, also. Like an infant who is not touched, is not loved, or caressed, the infant will eventually cease to live altogether.

As a mother of four very different, and very special children, I have learned that I must, (as a mother) continue to teach my children that learning is good for the soul. Learning is living. Learning is the start to a very comfortable life. Everyday, you honestly DO learn something new, whether it be as simple as making toast, or as complex as learning the orbits of the planets. I want my children to learn as much as possible, ABOUT as much as possible. I want them to have a good future, and have all the knowledge they need. I want my kids to build their own challenges. Something they have to work for, and desire to accomplish. I want them to NEVER set goals... because I want them pushing further than that! Am I setting their expectations too high? I doubt it. My kids are smart, and they will continue being smart by their own choice.

Our children learn from us right from the beginning of their lives. From the moment they are born, they have instincts. They know who their mother is, just because they have heard her voice for months before their birth. Childrens' brains are like a sponge. It absorbs everything. After being absorbed, the knowledge stays with them forever, just stored in different parts of their brains for use later on in life. We, as parents, sometimes forget that part... Children remember things we don't expect them to remember. (Do you remember your childhood?)If it is something traumatic, it leaves an imprint, and is never forgotton, just buried, to someday be dug up by another similar unforseen traumatic experience. We, as parents, gave birth to our children for a reason. To bring them to life... To raise them as we wanted to be raised, not as we were raised. We take our regrets, and turn them around, so our children don't have the same regrets. If our childhood was abusive, we try our hardest to make sure theirs in NOT... If we were poor, we try our hardest to make sure our children have things that we, as children, did not have. It's all trial and error. We learn as they do, just in a more advanced way.

Why, then, do we continue to worry if we are good parents, or not? Out of experience, I have made choices that I regret... BUT, I have chose to learn from those mistakes, and I have voiced those mistakes to my children, to make them better understand why I don't want them making the same mistakes... When my children make comments like, "What possibly would've made you do something like that?"... I tell them, "It was a bad choice, BECAUSE..." and I proceed in telling them what my opinion is, and why I know they will not do the same thing. It helps them move onto the next step- learning from me...

It is true, that even though we believe that we have made something clear to our children, they still may make a bad choice. But this is because they need the "experience" part. All-in-all, they will do whatever they think is right at the moment, and learn from it, just as we did as kids. It's a process we have all been through, and will never stop doing. It's learning.

We get upset when our kids make bad choices because we thought we taught them better. Truth being, they need to experience right from wrong in order to learn the difference. Us, as parents, can't expect to have "the perfect child". There is no such thing... We must love our children with all of our hearts, whether they do right or wrong. It's called unconditional love. A parent cannot hate their child, because they are their child, just as a child cannot hate their parent.

A child, (or parent, for thet fact,) can, and are deserving of having ill feelings toward one another. The point is, is we are learning from it. We must accept the fact that we are only doing what we can at the moment. To ask otherwise, is to ask the impossible. The word "forgiveness" comes after learning the truth. If one feels they cannot forgive another, then all it tkes is more time, and more knowledge in the situation... Maybe even some time spent alone. Forgiveness comes at the end of a lesson learned. And this is evident in all situations, and relationships.

Sometimes, a person has to be alone with oneself, in order to become reaquainted with themselves. To be able to come to a comfortable medium with yourself, is the hardest thing to do when you feel that you have done something wrong. You must believe within yourself, that nothing you do or say has no meaning. Everything that happens, happens for a reson. That turn you took at the intersection, which is not your usual route, was done for a reason. Maybe there is a car accident waiting to happen, that you just detoured, without even realizing it... It's instinct. Nothing to worry about, it happens every day. To me, there is no such thing as "coincidence"... It's all in sharp instinct...

Learning is part of the process of life. Just as death is a process of life. It's a never-ending cycle. Something we must not fear. Just as an infant shows no fear to anything until they see the reaction of an adult. What is there to be scared of? They don't know until they learn. A child learns fear from their parents. An example is a mother who is deathly afraid of spiders... A child is not scared of a spider until they see their mom jumping up, and screaming when she sees it! Then, the child learns the reaction, and mimics her, and learns that the spider is something to be afraid of...! Where as if the mother isn't afraid of the spider, she would more than likely shove the spider out the door, and let it live, rather than squash it. Which, in turn, teaches the child to do the same respect the spider as a living creature of our earth.

We must stop and think before reacting in front of our children. We've got to learn before we can teach. Once we are comfortable with our own life, then we can continue being comfortable with teaching our children the basics of life...